Hi there, Kenny here.

I want to take a second to say hello, to welcome and tell you what I'm going to do for you.

This is really going to be new for you because, I guess you might not have seen this elsewhere.

If you are reading this, you have willingly given me your email where I will send you the link to the free Video training ayou signed up for, but you haven’t and might not be getting your to it yet…... 


Well, to get it, check your inbox area for a confirmation email from me. If you receive this email, all you need do is click on the confirmation link found in the email ONCE and you will be taken to the training.

The essence of the email is to ensure you gave me the correct email where I will send you your free Video training and other SECRET stuff, as well as to keep you up to date on the nitty gritties on how you can succeed with the video training. This is information that I wouldn’t publish on my blog or on social media. The email should get into your inbox, spam or Promotion tab (Gmail users), 5 minutes after landing on this page.

This video will teach you how to whitelist my emails for Gmail users.

This video will teach you how to whitelist my emails for Hotmail and Outlook users.

Please check your junk email area.

If for any reason, you don’t get any email from me in your inbox area, please check your spam area and whitelist my email before you click the confirmation link. if you are a Gmail user, please check your Promotions Tab if you still don't see it there, check your spam area and watch the above video to whitelist my emails.

Email Subject is: Please confirm your subscription

I am sure my email should be in your inbox by now or your spam or promotions tab area…

Please check to confirm…

P.S: If you use bitbounce email service, you will not get any email from me.

See you on the inside..

Kenny C Nwakanma.

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